
Hi, as i've mentioned before, i've added a "Read More" function on my blog. Therefore on every of my post, there's only certain paragraphs or contains displaying on the front page, fellow readers will need to click the "Read More" button in order to read the full post.

Doing this is nothing but to help all readers enhance their surfing experience as this will shorten the time required to load my blog page. As i always experience, whenever i surf some friends' blog, their contents, especially the multimedia add-on, making the surfing experience less decent since i'm using a low speed internet connection..

Hope this situation will soon be settled ^_^ and anyhow, hope my "Read More" button can assist all reader while surfing my blog. Lastly, please support my "Read More" button!

Panic button??!

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CatHêЯIйê@yung yung said...

wow it look like quite funny and useful right?
haha keep on it!!

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