Read More Button!!

As you can notice from my new blog interface, i've installed a "Read more" button on my page, therefore the articles you reading is just a teaser. To look further, you will need to click "Read more" button for a detailed story. As from my perspective, this will further enhance my fellow readers' experience while surfing my blog content. So, do click into my blog content for a detail version whenever you are interested with my topics..

A new chat box has been installed on my blog too, that is for readers to easily make any comments on my blog or leave me message. I highly recommend all my fellow do leave me message to further promote our relationship. ^_^

Last but not least, i'm trying the "Snap shots" feature on my page. This application is to give you a preview on the link you interested. If you are not sure what's the contents on the link, then you can try move your cursor over the link or logo, preview on that particular site will be shown in no time. If any of my readers having any opinions on this feature, kindly leave me comments, i'll respond to it ASAP.

That's all for this post. As what i'm saying in every of my blog post, You're lucky IF you're having your blog site full of useful widget, because this will make your blog a better place to surf and attract site traffics, else, your blog site might just be negligible to everyone.

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Belle said...

hello nice blog too
thanks for dropping by xD

dex said...

hello, sure lets exchange links. i will add you now. have a nice monday..

p!G(-(oo)-)Pig said...

learn a lot frm the post in ur blog...=)
thanx 4 linked-me up ya..
i added u in my list ordy too^^
nice to meet u~~~

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