Monetizing your Creativity Masterpiece

As posting becomes more interesting, another blog of mine is destined to launch. I put the name "Monetize your Creativity" as my own title, as this new blog of mine will focus on monetizing the blog we have, and put emphasize on some hot topics such as to draw traffic to your blog, customize it as for easy-to-use, putting ads (Google adsense) on blog, and topics which will draw interests of all audience and my folks.

Starting of a new blog directory doesn't means that the old blog will be disposed or abandoned. This blog, my very first blogspot space, will still be remained and continue its own style in the future. I will still share all my discovering, point of views, facts of tech, tips of internet and computer, last but not least, hottest topic around the world with you. Therefore hoping all my fellow readers will continue support my blog post and my new blogspot space which with a materialistic title "Monetize your Creativity". You can click on the link i pasted in this blog.

Therefore, please give me all your valuable comments and suggestions on my space if you feel to do so. You're lucky IF you're able to managing more than one blog space with success, because to multi-tasking several blogs together is not an easy task. Congrates for those bloggers who has successfully done it!

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Sam Leong said...

Wow!! It is difficult to maintain one blog, let alone two. Anyway, all the best. Hehe!!

Anonymous said...

I hope the new blog answers the common questions people have about blogging and monetizing. You are doing a great job handling both the blogs. I think it is a good idea to Monetize your Blog as blogs have evolved into a necessity to the knowledge hungry.

egg86 said...

Thanks for the comments folks, it is true that managing several blog together is quite difficult as i'm still a undergraduate. However it is as a hobby or a platform for me to learn new stuff and have experiences other than my books. ^_^

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