Again! Blogging!

Yes. That's what i want to say.. The first ever blog that posted online was since 1995 if i'm not mistaken. But now it is already 13 years since that, you can mean this is eon ago. Wow... From a recent article i've read (though it is an old magazine..), a kind of blog that has been started is Moblog, i.e. a blog that post via mobile phone. Well, this is possible since the world's technology is developing in such a fast pace. I would even say that it should have been started a long time ago. But to Moblog, the must have condition for it is to have a GPRS or maybe WiFi enabled, ranging from Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, to high-ended PDA phone by Motorola and so on. With this you can post your desired blog, comment, or memories, sharing with everyone in this world. But one thing that you would not want to forget during posting your blog is... To be inside the mobile network which can send your blog onto the internet in a flying speed. ^_^

Moblog is exactly the same as Webblog (i.e. what we're doing now--blogging). Same function and same popularity amongst the public especially the teenagers in colleges or universities. It just that you are able to do your blog anywhere and anytime. The difference is that you're using your cell phone to execute whatever you usually do by using your personal computer or maybe your own piece of Mac book.

What are the differences that Moblog provides other than Webblog?? Bet you lots sure wanna know about this. But before i can speak any of these, most of the blogger might think of . Ya, exactly... wonder how people can restrain themselves using a mobile phone to do all this complicated stuff while they are able to use their Multi-core computer or laptop that have more power to assist them. That will save a lot more time and energy to do this... Unless you got a brand new Nokia N95 8GB Edition to be your hands and legs. Besides, try to imagine that using a cell phone to key in all these paragraphs of words with the tiny keypad...

Nevertheless, advantages that Moblog can provides is, it enable the blogger to access and post their blogs without any hassle and are ready to connect to the wireless mobile network wherever they are. And to be emphasized is that, nowadays people likes the freedom to do anything fast and effectively. Moblog via cell phone certainly can do that.

Things are always double-bladed... Have cons & pros. What i trying to say is... You're lucky IF you're having something that benefits you a lot. Try to appreaciate it from now, because nothing in this world will last forever..

Good day to you all. ^_^

Moblogging using iphone wasn't a bad idea, was it??

But make sure you don't get tired of touching the screen ya..

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lkwah86 said...

I also blogging.... support ya!!!!

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